REGISTER NOW: High Holidays 2023 – Jewish New Year Interfaith Zen Retreat in the Bay Area

Come celebrate Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish New Year on this contemplative interfaith Zen retreat in the Bay Area! You may register now!

Rosh Hashanah is a holiday of waking up. We awaken from the deep slumber of selfishness, conceit, and putting ourselves above others and awaken to something different. On Rosh Hashanah, the Divine calls out to wake us up from the darkness of ignorance and to open our eyes and hearts to the truth and awe that is always surrounding us and that which also makes up the very fabric of our ordinary life.

Zen meditation is not an escape from life, but a practice of acknowledging life as it is and accepting ourselves and others just as we are. Zen meditation is a practice of meeting God face to face, noticing the sacred and Divine in ourselves, others, and all of creation.

On this interfaith Zen retreat, you will be invited to practice at-one-ment with others from all spiritual and religious traditions. This retreat will include periods of silent sitting and walking meditation, an abbreviated chant style Jewish high holiday service, time for speaking from the heart in hitbodedut, and sacred sharing to close the retreat.

No previous knowledge of Hebrew, Judaism, or meditation is necessary. If you identify as Jewish, a different faith tradition, have more than one faith, or no faith at all, please know that you are welcome! Each and every part of you!

Next Steps

Register now for the Jewish New Year Interfaith Zen Retreat in the Bay Area!

Also, feel free to learn more about the Yom Kippur Zen Mindfulness Jewish Meditation Retreat in Los Angeles on September 25, 2023. Registration is currently open here!

As always, if you are interested in learning more about Jewish Mindfulness Meditation or how to create a more meaningful spiritual path for you and your loved ones, please make sure to sign up and click the “Stay Connected Now!” button below!

Mindful Judaism is pleased to offer daylong Jewish meditation and mindfulness retreats, shabbatons (weekend workshops), and other live and in person events throughout California and beyond.

If you are interested in bringing Mindful Judaism to your community, synagogue, or meditation group, please contact us at for more information and to make arrangements.

Adam Fogel