What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 2 of 2

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation

Life is not always easy. In fact, it rarely is! Truth can feel like the hardest thing to accept, but to realize that things are the way they are does not mean that they will always be so.

If you ever feel like things aren’t quite going the way you want, you are not alone!

Everyone at some point experiences anxiety, upset, overwhelm, and feelings of being alone and disconnected from what is most important to them or even knowing what this is for them. This is expected. It is part of being alive. If you’ve experienced this, you are not alone! Welcome to humanity! Continue reading “What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 2 of 2”

What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 1 of 2

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation

What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation and how can Mindful Judaism help you experience a deep and meaningful spirituality? How can Jewish meditation help you create a contemplative, personalized Judaism?

You can hardly go anywhere without hearing a friend talk about mindfulness or hear someone on the news or in the community talk about mindfulness. There are over 20,000,000 hits on mindfulness on Google and over 150,000 hits for mindfulness on just Amazon alone. I checked! But what is “mindfulness?” And can it be “Jewish?!” Continue reading “What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 1 of 2”