REGISTER NOW: High Holidays 2024 – Jewish New Year Interfaith Zen Retreat in Burlingame, CA – September 14, 2024

I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to the daylong interfaith Zen retreat for the Jewish New Year coming up this September 14 in Burlingame, CA. You may register now!

As the summer winds down and we experience the cooler temperatures in the morning, we are reminded that the season is turning. Fall will soon be upon us. It is time for a New Year and new experiences.

When we practice meditation, we experience each and every moment anew. With each breath, thought, and bodily sensation, we come to embrace our lives with greater and greater acceptance… breath by breath, one moment at a time.

In the Jewish tradition, we take the opportunity to celebrate the Jewish new Year each fall. It is taught that the world was created on the Jewish New Year. Each new year, we pause and reflect on our lives, the year we have lived, and the year we still yearn to live this next year.

The Bible teaches that after God created the world, the Divine saw the goodness of all creation, sat down, and took a breath. We all need this time to reflect on all that we have created this past year, to take a rest from our hard work, and take a few nourishing deep breaths.

You are welcomed and encouraged to practice just this on retreat. Please be sure to sign and register for this retreat I look forward to seeing you there!

Next Steps

Register now for the Jewish New Year Interfaith Zen Retreat in the Bay Area!

As always, if you are interested in learning more about Jewish Mindfulness Meditation or how to create a more meaningful spiritual path for you and your loved ones, please make sure to sign up and click the “Stay Connected Now!” button below!

Mindful Judaism is pleased to offer daylong Jewish meditation and mindfulness retreats, shabbatons (weekend workshops), and other live and in person events throughout California and beyond.

If you are interested in bringing Mindful Judaism to your community, synagogue, or meditation group, please contact us at for more information and to make arrangements.

Adam Fogel

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