What is Jewish Enlightenment? Kan VeAchshav! Here and Now!

What is Jewish Enlightenment - Kan VeAchshav (Here and Now)

You may have heard or read stories about enlightenment in Buddhism. Much like Jewish midrash, these stories are filled with wonder, miracles, and awe. Is there such a thing as Jewish enlightenment? And what is our enlightenment story?

This upcoming Saturday, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot (what is celebrated in Christianity as Pentecost). On Shavuot, we celebrate the giving and receiving of the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai. Shavuot is also called Zman Matan Torateinu – or the Time of Giving our Torah – and is a commemoration of the gift of receiving the entire Torah. Yet what does this have to do with enlightenment? Continue reading “What is Jewish Enlightenment? Kan VeAchshav! Here and Now!”

All Alone Together With God: Passover, Shavuot, and the Path from Enslavement to Freedom

All Alone Together With God: Passover, Shavuot, and the Path from Enslavement to Freedom

Over three millennia ago, our Israelite forefathers and foremothers wrestled with their Gods and risked the perilous desert journey from enslavement to freedom. Seven Sabbaths later, God revealed himself, and on that day – as on this day – God spoke, and speaks, to each one of us and All that is Israel. Continue reading “All Alone Together With God: Passover, Shavuot, and the Path from Enslavement to Freedom”

What is Chanukah “Really”?: Rededicating the Temple and Sanctuary for Today

What is Chanukah Really - Rededicating the Temple and Sanctuary Today

As the nights darken and grow longer and colder, I notice myself growing a bit more introspective. The New Year is soon approaching, and it is a natural period of contemplation and looking back and ahead. This is the time of Chanukah. This is a time of reflection, embracing the dark and light, and a period of rededication. But a rededication to what? Continue reading “What is Chanukah “Really”?: Rededicating the Temple and Sanctuary for Today”