Preparing for the High Holidays: Broken Spirit, Broken Heart (Ru’ach Nishbarah, Lev Nishbar)

Preparing for the High Holidays - Broken Spirit, Broken Heart (Ruach Nishbarah, Lev Nishbar)

Over the past month or two, it has taken me some time to write about Tisha B’Av and preparing for the High Holidays, the sacred Jewish liturgical period of the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe and Wonder.

This is in part because of the day to day stresses and changes of life, but also because I have been genuinely wrestling with the meaning and place of brokenness and sacredness, new beginnings and endings, and sacrifice and atonement, especially from the perspective of a contemporary 21st Century Jew and American Zen practitioner. Continue reading “Preparing for the High Holidays: Broken Spirit, Broken Heart (Ru’ach Nishbarah, Lev Nishbar)”

Are You a Jewish Millennial?: Jewish Mindfulness Meditation May be for You!

Are You a Jewish Millennial - Jewish Mindfulness Meditation May be for You

Are you a Jewish Millennial? Are you involved in more than enough to keep any “normal” person busy? All at the same time? Are you achievement oriented? Maybe more than is helpful? Do you value diversity? And each person’s extraordinariness? Are you in relationship with people of different faith traditions and spiritualities? And value each one? Do you enjoy being part of a team and collaborating with others? And maybe need a little more quiet time? Are you spiritual, but (perhaps) not religious? Jewish Mindfulness Meditation may be for you! Continue reading “Are You a Jewish Millennial?: Jewish Mindfulness Meditation May be for You!”

Should I Teach My Kids To Meditate? And When?!

Should I Teach My Kids to Meditate? And When?!

Here I am talking about the importance of meditation and practicing mindfulness. I can hear it now. Should I teach my kids to meditate? And is it too early now?!

If you’ve started a meditation practice, you’ve probably started to feel better and notice some positive effects in your life, but don’t make meditation one more thing to do for yourselves or your children. Continue reading “Should I Teach My Kids To Meditate? And When?!”

How to Read the Bible: A Contemplative Jewish Approach to Torah Study

How to Read the Bible - A Contemplative Jewish Approach to Torah Study

The Hebrew Bible – called the Torah by Jews – is the most important book in the Jewish tradition. It is also one of the most important books in the Christian tradition and has impacted the history and unfolding of Western civilization, the Islamic worlds, and global history in countless ways. But what meaning and importance does the Bible have for us today? And how can we read it with 21st century eyes? Continue reading “How to Read the Bible: A Contemplative Jewish Approach to Torah Study”

Sukkot: Mindfulness, Sanctuary, and the Refuge of Vulnerability

Sukkot: Mindfulness, Sanctuary, and the Refuge of Vulnerability

Our lives are filled with both so much goodness and joy as well as struggle and pain. No matter how hard we try – and try we do – life is simply unpredictable. At times, it may even feel like we go from one celebration and horror after another only to not know what comes next.

In mindfulness meditation, we learn to respect all of our feelings and experience, no matter how much we like or try to control them. Likewise, the holiday of Sukkot teaches us to find sanctuary wherever we are and to embrace the refuge of vulnerability. Continue reading “Sukkot: Mindfulness, Sanctuary, and the Refuge of Vulnerability”

From Ashes to Atonement: An Annual High Holiday Mindfulness Intensive

From Ashes to Atonement: An Annual High Holiday Mindfulness Intensive

Lately, I have been thinking about the Jewish New Year and High Holiday season akin to a mindfulness meditation intensive. In the Zen and other Buddhist traditions, monks and nuns training in monasteries spend summers and winters in intensive meditation practice periods lasting about three months long each. In the Zen tradition, this is called an ango. The Jewish tradition doesn’t really have an ango or something similar, though we can and should. Continue reading “From Ashes to Atonement: An Annual High Holiday Mindfulness Intensive”

Rosh Hashanah: A Jewish Mindfulness Holiday of Waking Up

Rosh Hashanah - A Jewish Mindfulness Holiday of Waking Up

Rosh Hashanah is one of the most special and sacred holidays in the Jewish liturgical calendar. It is the Jewish New Year and the beginning of the Jewish High Holidays, but what is it really about? And how do mindful Jews understand this special and most sacred new beginning?

Rosh Hashanah is a holiday of waking up. We awaken from the deep slumber of selfishness, conceit, and putting ourselves above others – perhaps one way of understanding traditional notions of sin – and awaken to something different.

On Rosh Hashanah, the Divine calls out to wake us up from the darkness of ignorance Continue reading “Rosh Hashanah: A Jewish Mindfulness Holiday of Waking Up”

What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 2 of 2

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation

Life is not always easy. In fact, it rarely is! Truth can feel like the hardest thing to accept, but to realize that things are the way they are does not mean that they will always be so.

If you ever feel like things aren’t quite going the way you want, you are not alone!

Everyone at some point experiences anxiety, upset, overwhelm, and feelings of being alone and disconnected from what is most important to them or even knowing what this is for them. This is expected. It is part of being alive. If you’ve experienced this, you are not alone! Welcome to humanity! Continue reading “What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 2 of 2”

What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 1 of 2

Jewish Mindfulness Meditation

What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation and how can Mindful Judaism help you experience a deep and meaningful spirituality? How can Jewish meditation help you create a contemplative, personalized Judaism?

You can hardly go anywhere without hearing a friend talk about mindfulness or hear someone on the news or in the community talk about mindfulness. There are over 20,000,000 hits on mindfulness on Google and over 150,000 hits for mindfulness on just Amazon alone. I checked! But what is “mindfulness?” And can it be “Jewish?!” Continue reading “What is Jewish Mindfulness Meditation? Part 1 of 2”