REGISTER NOW: High Holidays 2023 – Yom Kippur Zen Mindfulness Jewish Meditation Retreat

The Jewish High Holidays are a period of reflection and opportunity to renew our intentions for the coming year in a deeply personal and meaningful way.

Please join Rabbi Adam Fogel and Mindful Judaism on a Zen Mindfulness Jewish Meditation retreat this Yom Kippur! The Yom Kippur retreat will include periods of silent sitting and walking meditation, an abbreviated chant style service, time for speaking from the heart in hitbodedut, and sacred sharing in council to close the retreat.

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about Jewish Mindfulness, Zen meditation (zazen), contemplative prayer, ask any questions you may have, and to practice in sacred community.

Meditation is thousands of years old. The true gift of meditation is not an escape from life, but in realizing that true respite comes from acknowledging life as it is and accepting yourself as you are.

Jewish Mindfulness is the practice of noticing the sacred in our life. It can help you develop and enhance your love and compassion for yourself and others, and to develop a deeper relationship with the Divine, whatever this means to YOU. Jewish Mindfulness Meditation begs us to pay attention to our life just as it is!

Just as there is no one “right” way to be Jewish – or spiritual – in any way, there is no one “right” way to celebrate and honor the Jewish new Year and this important holy Day of Atonement.

Atonement is the spiritual practice of being at-one with ourselves, others, and even all of creation. Each year, we practice teshuvah and return to ourselves, our very life, in this very moment, and renew our intention and vow to live even just a bit closer to who we truly are and who we still aspire to be.

Forgiving others is hard, yet forgiving others can feel even harder! Making mistakes is very human! We all miss the mark! No matter who we are or who think we are, each and every of us is merely human. What an obligation! And what a tremendous gift!

Life can be hard! Sometimes, very hard! In fact, being with ourselves and those we love the most can often be most rewarding and challenging too. Yet, we try! We try over and over again! Year after year, moment after moment, and breath by breath.

Afterall, “THIS is our life! For the length of our days! Day and night we meditate upon it” (from the evening prayer service).

All are welcome! No previous knowledge of Hebrew, Judaism, or meditation is necessary. If you identify as Jewish, a different faith tradition, with more than one faith, or of no formal faith at all… you we welcome! Everyone is included and welcome!

Come and join us on this Yom Kippur Zen Mindfulness Jewish Meditation retreat where you will learn and practice Jewish Mindfulness Meditation and sacred chant in community, explore how to find personal and spiritual meaning through direct experience, and engage life fully.

Please come and join us in celebrating Yom Kippur and the Jewish High Holidays in a new, meaningful, and different way… in your way!

Next Steps

Feel free to learn more information abut the Yom Kippur Zen Mindfulness Jewish Meditation Retreat in Los Angeles on September 25, 2023. Registration is currently open here!

Save the date for our daylong Rosh Hashanah Zen Mindfulness Meditation Retreat. It will be held on Sunday, September 17, 2023 in the Bay Area, CA. Stay tuned for registration details!

As always, if you are interested in learning more about Jewish Mindfulness Meditation or how to create a more meaningful spiritual path for you and your loved ones, please make sure to sign up and click the “Stay Connected Now!” button below!

Mindful Judaism is pleased to offer daylong Jewish meditation and mindfulness retreats, shabbatons (weekend workshops), and other live and in person events throughout California and beyond.

If you are interested in bringing Mindful Judaism to your community, synagogue, or meditation group, please contact us at for more information and to make arrangements.

Adam Fogel