How Do I Pray?

Consider that you cannot do it alone.

Open your mouth.

Use your words.

Speak to God (or whomever or whatever is sacred or Divine to you).

“Advanced” Strategies

Here are some yet even more “advanced” strategies”:

Open your ears.

Open your eyes.

Open your mind.

Open your grasp.

Open your heart.

There is no “right” way to pray.

Simply repeat these steps over and over again.

Next Steps

Feel free to learn more information abut the Yom Kippur Zen Mindfulness Jewish Meditation Retreat in Los Angeles on September 25, 2023. Registration is currently open here!

Save the date for our daylong Rosh Hashanah Zen Mindfulness Meditation Retreat. It will be held on Sunday, September 17, 2023 in the Bay Area, CA. Stay tuned for registration details!

As always, if you are interested in learning more about Jewish Mindfulness Meditation or how to create a more meaningful spiritual path for you and your loved ones, please make sure to sign up and click the “Stay Connected Now!” button below!

Mindful Judaism is pleased to offer daylong Jewish meditation and mindfulness retreats, shabbatons (weekend workshops), and other live and in person events throughout California and beyond.

If you are interested in bringing Mindful Judaism to your community, synagogue, or meditation group, please contact us at for more information and to make arrangements.

Adam Fogel