SAVE THE DATE: Jewish Meditation Retreat in Los Angeles Scheduled for August 19, 2018

Save the Date - Jewish Meditation Retreat in Los Angeles Scheduled for August 19, 2018

Please join Mindful Judaism for a Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Daylong Retreat on Sunday, August 19, 2018 at Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles this summer! This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about Jewish Mindfulness Meditation and contemplative prayer, ask any questions you may have, and practice in sacred community. All of the details are below! Continue reading “SAVE THE DATE: Jewish Meditation Retreat in Los Angeles Scheduled for August 19, 2018”

What is God?: A Reflection on Purim and Divinity

What is God? - A Reflection on Purim and Divinity

Understanding the world’s great religions and spiritual traditions is not an academic pursuit. It is a participatory sport! True study of the Way lies not in answering the great questions, but in asking them. Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Yet after many years of meditation and Zen practice, I have become less interested in the questions: Who is God?, Where is God?”, or Why doesn’t God…?. The question that I have grown to ask and appreciate is: What is God? And how can I live my life in this way? Continue reading “What is God?: A Reflection on Purim and Divinity”